Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Meet Mrs. O'Brien

That's right! No more Wiatrowski come June 30th! And now that I will be officially part of the Leprechaun clan I figured it as time to start baking like one so I dove into Soda Bread. And actually, it's not all that difficult.

There's a TON of flour in it, or at least it feels like it. Four cups according to the recipe I made and that's the gist of it. Its' pretty much all flour and only 1/2 stick of butter. Considering the pound cakes I've been making that consist of 3 sticks, trust me, 1/2 stick is nothing.

I was honestly shocked at how tasty it was too for having so little sugar and just so much flour. Of course the best is to eat it warm with butter which is how I served it but it's still tasty without.

One thing I will say though, and take it to heart, it is a wet dough and hard to deal with at first so keep the flour on hand.

And we're not done yet! Have some left over that may have gotten a little stale? (GASP! LEFT OVER SODA BREAD?!?! I know..) Turn it into biscotti! Yes, what? Right. 

Slice it up, place it on a baking sheet, dab a little honey on each piece. 350 degrees, 20-25 minutes. Kaboom. Biscotti. And you're welcome :)